New Hamphire is a very picturesque state. Just driving through it
in a good weather is a pleasure in almost every season.
New Hamphire is the home of
White Mountains.
The highest point of White Mountains is
Mount Washinton - 6,288 feet.
It is the highest point of the US Northeast and is notoriously known
for its worst weather in the world.
Click here
to see pictures taken on a
Cog Railway trip to Mount Washington.
New Hampshire's nick name is Granite state,
and indeed, granite boulders can be found everywhere.
See below pictures of those taken at
Lost River Gorge.
Montains and granite grounds make an excellent combination
for cascades. See below pictures of New Hampshire cascades taken at
Flume Gorge, Crawford Notch, and The Basin.
Mount Washington
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For a more detailed map,
click here.